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Lawfare Against Gun Builders - SCOTUS Here We Come

Writer's picture: marinegunbuildermarinegunbuilder

This is the most important post I’ve ever written, and I’ve written hundreds. Today, I’m pulling back the curtain on the lies the DOJ and its agents have spun, including how they’ve weaponized the justice system, falsified warrants, and leveraged the media to push false narratives into the mainstream. The ATF has even gone on media tours, spreading these fabrications to further deceive the public. No doubt you have witnessed these oppressive actions and their overused and baseless argument that a Glock can be built in as little as 21 minutes. Their angle has been to twist the definition of "readily convertible" in an attempt to justify imposing regulations far beyond their legal power. They're effectively creating new laws through regulations, a role reserved for Congress. Yet they continue pushing this fabricated argument to advance their agenda.

For years, I’ve been at the forefront of the 80% build community, documenting their tyrannical actions every step of the way. I'm about to show you exactly where this 21-minute story originated, why it’s completely false, and, yes, I’ll use their own words to prove it. I’m also going to illustrate how the entire frame and receiver rule-making process was rigged, and how your ability to participate in this so-called "democratic process" was deliberately manipulated to silence your voice through censorship. Remember, these are the same people who label you a domestic extremist, a threat to democracy, and the number one danger in America. Yet, as I will show, it’s actually them who have obstructed your ability to exercise your rights and blacklisted you from participating in a democratic process.

When it comes to our rights and freedoms, there’s no room for compromise—no "maybes," no "buts." It’s either freedom or tyranny—no middle ground, no exceptions, and no negotiations. For them it is a job and it appears the more incompetent you are the higher one rises in these federal agencies. We will always expose their lies and incompetence because in the home building community we stand tall shoulder to shoulder, and fight for every inch of our Second Amendment rights, with no compromises, no hesitation, and absolutely no surrender.

First, let’s address the time argument. It doesn’t matter if it takes 2.1 seconds, 21 seconds, or 21 minutes—your freedom to build is your freedom to build. Period. End of story. Next, let’s tackle the claim that building a firearm is a loophole to avoid background checks. Here’s the truth: nowhere in the Constitution does it say we need a permission slip to exercise our rights. In fact, it says the opposite—the government needs our permission. And finally, let’s put an end to the liberal lies about background checks being necessary to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Newsflash: criminals don’t belong roaming around in free societies. That’s LITERALLY the whole point of the justice system—to hold people accountable and remove dangerous individuals from the community. Yet, the same people telling you that restricting gun rights is necessary to keep criminals at bay are the ones decriminalizing violent acts, pushing cashless bail, allowing gang members to cross the southern border, and running liberal cities into the ground with these failed policies.

I’m firmly against background checks. The 4473 form needs to be eliminated. Background checks and the 4473 form don’t solve the real problem. We have a flawed justice system that fails to properly deal with criminals. If a person is free to walk in society, that means they’ve either been judged not to be a threat, or the justice system has failed to contain true threats. Punishing law-abiding citizens by subjecting them to unnecessary checks and regulations does nothing to stop crime—it only burdens those who respect the law. This is their playbook: they deliberately release criminals to create chaos, then turn around and tell you that you must surrender your rights so they can "protect" you.

The truth is, our rights are non-negotiable. No amount of manufactured chaos or fear tactics should ever convince anyone to give them up. We must stay vigilant and force change in the justice system to be accountable. This starts with a 100% refusal to allow our freedoms to be eroded under the false promise of security. The solution isn't in stripping citizens of their rights but focusing on reforming the justice system to ensure it properly deals with criminals.

The REAL History

Understanding the true history behind the assault on Glock building is crucial for our home-building community. It helps us grasp the challenges we face, stay aware of attempts to strip away our rights, and empowers us to protect the freedom to build. Anti-gun groups, along with their political allies, weaponize state and federal law enforcement to shut down Americans who responsibly customize their firearms. In just three weeks, the Supreme Court will hear Vanderstock v. Garland, a case focused on the ATF’s egregious attempt to bypass the Constitution through rule-making that carries severe penalties. We must always stand united against any effort to suppress our rights. It is imperative to understand that both the U.S. government and powerful organizations are targeting you—the private citizen—who chooses to exercise your constitutional freedoms.

Our build community is never intimidated or discouraged by these attacks; instead, they fuel our resolve to fight even harder. My mission is to advocate for and educate our community, helping each member become fiercely independent and fully equipped to exercise their freedoms and liberties. However, having faced this battle many times before, I won’t sugarcoat the challenges we’re up against. We live in an era where misinformation and the denial of basic truths have become the norm, and navigating this distorted reality requires both awareness and resilience.

There is no shortage of activists, groups, and federal law enforcement agencies who all exhibit no boundaries on their quest to criminalize citizens seeking to exercise this right. Make no mistake, these adversaries of freedom lie, cheat, and steal at every turn and will stop at nothing in their quest to punish you. They are determined, control power, and hold all the financial purse strings. You, me, and all the other patriots in our community have only one real weapon to defend the assault. We have the truth. But know this - in a world full of lies and deceit - truth - is considered a revolutionary act. Every time you speak the truth you will be labeled an extremist, a threat to democracy, and cast as a danger to society.

You are not only wrong in their eyes when you disagree with them - you are the epitome of evil, the worst person in the world, and pure scum that needs to be eliminated. This is the reaction of narcissistic liars who go to extremes to protect and deter any questionings of their mistruths.

2020 Election - November 2020 - Mass censorship

If you recall there were a few days after the election, November 3rd, where a handful of states who would decide the results did not report. Although all other states had the ability to tally and report immediately, for some reason, these key swing states were unable to do so. Something else was occurring during these few days. A mass censorship campaign was taking place on social media. No one knew what was happening at the time, but thousands of influential accounts and pieces of content across the social platforms were being deleted. These were not limited to business accounts, but also personal accounts. I was one of the accounts marked for deletion. Again, not just the Marine Gun Builder pages, but personal social media accounts that never spoke of guns or politics. Unfortunately, it was an immediate recognition for me that Joe Biden was going to be announced the winner and new President. A few hours later, that is exactly what happened. I knew this wasn't social media companies, but government level censorship. I am small potatoes, but some of the bigger names that were deleted had the ability to speak out about this massive censorship campaign. They were shouted down instantly with the line social media companies are private business's and can do what they want. Only problem is, we knew it was government agencies not the company's themselves. It would be years later with the release of the twitter files that the transparency of how massive the corruption and vaporization of accounts was. My fellow RI neighbor, actor James Woods, was also caught up in this weaponization. Oddly enough, it showed the exact same dates for all of us and additionally highlighted not only were we removed but also flagged as violent extremists and put under surveillance. (more on this later) You see Freedom Protector, before they pounce, they need to make sure people with large followings do not have an opportunity to call them out for their injustices. By November 6th it was clear, the weaponization of government had moved full throttle and home gun building was in the crosshairs and marked for death.

Polymer80 Raid - December 2020

A month later, the government’s attack on Polymer80 began. The raid was triggered by the ATF’s sudden decision that a build kit, when packaged together, was a firearm. Individually, none of the components qualified as a firearm, but without any prior notice, rule change, or legal adjustment, the ATF arbitrarily decided that a build kit was a firearm. No new interpretations were announced, no laws were altered—just a unilateral decision.

Rather than me explain in my words, let's go directly off the search warrant filed by the ATF.

As we can see, the purpose of obtaining the warrant covers:

  1. The suspected unlawful manufacturing and distribution of firearms

  2. Failure to properly mark manufactured firearms

  3. Failure to pay taxes on manufactured firearms

  4. Shipping firearms to residents of other states

  5. Failure to properly conduct background investigations related to firearm sales

Number 1 is all we need to look at. They "suspected" polymer80 was illegally manufacturing and distributing firearms. All the rest are off the assumption that number 1 is accurate.

There was nothing to be suspicious of. Polymer80 plastered their marketing all over the internet. They did not need a warrant, or all the investigatory language, or a raid to uncover what was openly and publicly marketed. This was never in dispute. Polymer80 and almost all retailers sold kits. So if a kit is a firearm, then everyone should have been immediately arrested and prosecuted. A warrant for suspecting a crime wouldn't be needed. These kits and many other different versions were widely available and marketed.

Oh wait - yeah that's right - they already knew that




  1. An ATF Senior Special Agent who is an ATF certified firearms expert completed it in 3 Hours.

  2. A confidential informant completed it in 21 minutes.

  3. They determined this kit is a firearm

Yes you read that correctly. A "certified ATF firearms expert" did it in 3 hours, but this secretive CI did it 21 minutes. So this confidential informant completed a build 90% times faster than the ATF certified firearms expert? Wow 😳

Chew on that for a few minutes and undoubtedly some questions will pop into your mind. Your brain will have an issue logically equating that a Senior Special Agent who is an ATF Certified Firearms EXPERT was 90% times slower than a random CI with no P80 build experience. Remember though you are not allowed to ask questions - extremist.

I will interject personally here and say if a person exists that can build and assemble a functioning and reliable polymer 80 in 21 minutes, they would not only have to be highly skilled, but be among the best Glock builders in the Country. I would also add one of the luckiest people on the planet. Let me explain. In years of doing this, millions of youtube views, over a hundred thousand patriots in polymer80 groups where I was a moderator or admin - not once did I come across someone capable of drilling, milling tabs, milling the channel, fixing a block, correcting a rear rail, installing the lower parts and finishing a P80 that quick. The odds a person received a block that needed no altering was low. The odds of a rear rail in the box that didn't need reshaping was low. The odds someone received a kit with both a perfect block and an in spec rail was almost non-existent. Each one of those tasks independently take 21 minutes or more. This person was extremely lucky and certainly defied all odds to get a kit with a perfect LBRS and RRS. Of course, this confidential informant would still have needed to possess immeasurable Glock build knowledge to pull off the rest in 21 minutes.

Here is the Indisputable Truth:

I am a Glock Certified Armorer. Polymer 80 relied heavily on my expertise to fix their manufacturing problems for users. I had over a 100k patriots following my build groups and pages on and off social media. My video channels had millions of views. I cannot build a reliable and dependable safe Polymer 80 Glock firearm in 21 minutes.


The warrant moved from suspicion that Polymer80 was selling firearms to the ATF stating this is a firearm and subject to all of the regulations that are outlined in the Gun Control Act.

As we see here, the ATF's claim in the warrant is the kits are a firearm that meet federal regulation definition and polymer80 is shipping them to felons. Speaking of felons, remember that confidential informant god of a builder? What if I told you that person the ATF used as a confidential informant was a felon. What if I told you the felon they used who banged out a build in 21 minutes flat had ZERO experience building a polymer80. You don't need to believe me, it's in the warrant below:

Ironic that justification for the warrant is the claim Polymer80 was shipping firearms to felons, yet they are providing a felon with the kit and having the felon build it in California of all places. Hope that build had a registered serial number from the DOJ as required under California law.

Let's get this straight:

  1. The felon did this at an ATF controlled location in California

  2. The felon has never built a P80

  3. The ATF showed the felon some youtube videos - You're welcome

  4. Felon super god with no previous experience builds a glock in 21 minutes

I hate to keep hammering this point, but it’s absolutely crucial to the argument. There are only two possible truths here, and neither one is acceptable. First, if it took a senior ATF agent—an agency-certified firearms expert—3 hours to complete this build, which is nearly 90% slower than a random felon off the street - then it means either this "expert" is so incompetent that the ATF has no business regulating firearms in the first place, or the agency is knowingly placing unqualified people in senior positions of authority, undermining their own credibility and the laws they’re supposed to enforce. This level of incompetence would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous.

On the other hand, the claim that a felon completed the same build in just 21 minutes is not just absurd—it’s insulting to anyone with a brain. The idea that someone with no experience could outperform a Certified Firearms "Expert" by a margin of nearly 90% faster defies logic and must be an outright fabrication designed to deceive the courts and the public.

The ATF is either so grossly unqualified that they shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near firearms regulation, or they’re deliberately lying to manipulate the system. Either way, it shows an agency that has lost all credibility. They are either dangerously incompetent or outright corrupt, and neither should be tolerated.

Simply put, we’re supposed to believe a random felon built a Glock 90% faster than a certified ATF expert? Either the ATF needs new experts or a new set of lies!

I could go on and on as the warrant was 119 pages. I'll include it below as a PDF if you want a master class on tell me you don't know glock building without telling me you don't know glock building. Here's the result though - despite unilaterally stating in the warrant that kits were a firearm, raiding and seizing kits, and customer lists for 50k packages delivered across the US, not a single person has ever been arrested or charged. Exactly what the ATF stated in the warrant regarding P80 selling build kits is exactly what P80 was doing. There is no disputing that. So why no arrests? Well simple - the assertion that a kit was a firearm is bullshit and they knew it. The hope was by conducting a raid, they could seize digital materials, files, and customer lists to fish for crimes and add us all to their "lists".. Of course in this world of no accountability, federal agents can blatantly lie to a judge to get a warrant and trample all over peoples civil liberties and rights with no recourse. The strategy is bully, harass, and intimidate. Again many times in the warrant, it was stated the justification for the raid is that these kits clearly met the definitions of a firearm outlined in the Gun Control Act and specifically all of the statues in 18 U.S.C. 921/922. If they did, arrests would have been made and there would be no need for Chapter 2. In the end, this wasn't about enforcing the law—it was about intimidation and control.The ATF blatantly falsified the warrant with lies, fabricating evidence and distorting the facts to justify their raid. This was a calculated abuse of power, designed to trample on rights and manipulate the system for their agenda.


Chapter 2

May 2021 - ATF Introduces Proposed Rule 2021R-05

The ATF introduces a new rule for public comment that reinterprets a frame or receiver to include kits in the definition of a firearm. This one move clearly illustrated that the warrant for the raid 5 months earlier was nothing more than a deceptive fraudulent use of our justice system. It was a full on admission that kits were not firearms at the time of the raid. The government clearly needed a new enforceable definition that would include kits. More censorship and suppression for fair open public process ensued, but a fair process wasn't the point.

As mentioned, I led large user support groups, which are essential for ensuring that firearm builders have the guidance and support necessary to follow safety protocols and build functional, dependable firearms that meet all safety requirements. Through this network, we developed professional business response templates for fellow patriots in our community, enabling them to voice their concerns effectively. These templates empowered people to reach out to their elected representatives and submit comments to the Federal Register, expressing their opposition to new regulations in a clear and professional manner. This effort was the result of collaboration among dozens of us, all committed to making sure our voices were heard.

In a blatant display of tyranny, the "powers that be" launched a full assault on the communities I ran, including social media platforms and my own forum. They deployed media outlets and federal assets to conduct background checks and attempt to gather data. Despite these challenges, I remain steadfast in my belief that accountability will come for those who attacked me and the patriots of our community who were lawfully exercising their 2nd Amendment rights.

I had the greatest reach within our builder community—no one else in this space had the influence of the MGB network. When we called on patriots to exercise their 1st Amendment rights and respond to the rule in the Federal Register, our efforts were censored. The entire rule-making process was a sham, designed to silence opposition. Your ability to participate in this so-called democratic process was deliberately suppressed by widespread censorship.

We shouldn’t even be at the Supreme Court. The government, in coordination with social media, weaponized its power to ensure that your voices wouldn’t be heard. These tyrants couldn’t allow an open, fair process—that was never their intention. Their censorship was so blatantly despicable that, on the very week the rule went out, they began purging our call to action from Facebook groups. Groups with over 40,000 of our fellow enthusiasts who could not be reached. This proved just how far they were willing to go to silence any form of dissent.

Just like the mass censorship campaign during the week Joe Biden was announced as president, we were seeing the same story repeat itself —Patriots’ voices being silenced at a crucial time. The timeline alone shows just how blatant their disregard for all of us is. Let’s be honest, this isn’t Facebook randomly choosing to remove posts at a critical moment. It’s clear that, under the direction of government agencies, Facebook was and is still actively removing any trace of opposition to their tyrannical agenda. But I digress—here’s the full post. Look at the content, and you’ll see the same conclusion is undeniable:

In these turbulent times, where the truth is twisted and rights are threatened, it's more important than ever to stand firm. The fight to preserve the freedom to build, own, and customize firearms is not just about defending a hobby or personal choice—it's about upholding the very principles on which our country was founded. As we face increasing attacks on our rights, remember that silence only emboldens those who seek to strip away our freedoms. We must continue to speak out, stand together, and resist the lies that aim to divide and disarm us. In a world where truth has become revolutionary act, let us be the ones who protect truth, not just for ourselves, but for future generations. Our right to build is our right to freedom, and that is a battle we cannot afford to lose.

The relentless legal and political assault on Polymer80, driven by bogus reclassifications and government overreach, has finally taken its toll. Polymer80, once a cornerstone of the firearm building community, has been forced out of business. This wasn't just the collapse of a company—it was the dismantling of an entire movement. The repercussions have been devastating, with many of their trusted and beloved distributors also being driven to the brink. These businesses weren't just names; they were the lifeblood of families, and the backbone of a thriving community of builders and enthusiasts.

Countless families have been wrecked by this regulatory crusade. What was once a passionate pursuit of craftsmanship, individuality, and exercising constitutional rights has been shattered. Entire livelihoods have vanished, leaving skilled workers, small business owners, and loyal customers in the ruins of what was a vibrant and supportive network.

This isn’t just an economic blow. The collapse of Polymer80 and its distributors represents the dismantling of a community that was built on freedom, innovation, and trust. The government's targeting of these businesses didn’t just harm their bottom lines—it tore apart a group of people who stood for something bigger than themselves. We are witnessing the deliberate destruction of a culture that celebrates freedom and self-reliance. It’s a stark reminder that the fight isn't just about regulations or kits—it's about preserving the communities and values that make us who we are.

As patriots, I urge you to take the following critical actions:

  • Share this information far and wide. Our ability to reach others has been severely limited by ongoing censorship, so we need your help to spread the word. Share this blog post and ensure others stay informed.

  • Support the Firearms Policy Coalition. You can contribute to their efforts here:

  • Join and support Freedom Crew University. This is one of the last places where we can continue to educate ourselves on our rights and skills. Your membership and participation are vital to keeping this school alive.

  • Stand with Blackhawk Manufacturing (80 Percent Arms). They have played a pivotal role in moving this case forward, and now more than ever, they need our collective support to carry us to victory.

  • Support Defense Distributed, who have been instrumental throughout this entire process and continue to stand at the forefront of our fight for freedom.

In these challenging times, our strength lies in unity and action. The forces working against our rights are relentless, but together we can rise above censorship, intimidation, and injustice. By supporting the organizations and businesses that continue to fight for our freedoms, we not only protect our right to build and bear arms but also preserve the values of independence and liberty that define us as patriots. Now is the time to stand firm, spread the truth, and ensure that future generations inherit the freedoms we hold dear. Our fight isn't over—and with your help, we will prevail.

In just three weeks, the Vanderstock v. Garland case will be heard at the Supreme Court—a defining moment in our battle for freedom. The government’s lawyers will continue to peddle their lies to the justices, attempting to twist the truth and distort the law to serve their anti-freedom agenda. They will stop at nothing to undermine our rights and convince the Court to strip us of the ability to build and customize our own firearms. But our purpose is greater than their political agenda. Now is the time to take action, support our allies, and push this fight across the finish line. Our rights, our community, and the future of freedom itself hang in the balance. We cannot afford to falter. Together, we will ensure that our voices are heard and our freedoms are defended.

I will be in attendance for the oral arguments at SCOTUS as FPC defends our rights to the highest court in the land. At the urging of community members, I’ve begun using an X account, and I encourage you to follow me there for live updates as we continue this battle.

Here is a 2 minute video where I explain how build kits came to be:

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30 сент. 2024 г.
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19 сент. 2024 г.
Оценка: 5 из 5 звезд.

It occurs to me that arguing on THEIR basis (it takes little time to build a gun) is akin to countering the argument that AR-15s aren't actually "assault weapons" or "military grade."

We're VALIDATING their arguments by engaging and debating THOSE (invalid) points. We're lending credence to their inane talking points.

Those "on the fence" or undecided will naturally believe the point is valid and relevant if both sides are arguing it.

That doesn't mean we can't debate them. But to be effective, we need to pivot to our factually and logically based arguments. Don't even acknowledge their emotionally-based fallacies.


"AR-15s are assault weapons that only belong in the military!"

The SIX-DECADES-OLD AR-15 is the most popular rifle i…


Murphyz Law
Murphyz Law
19 сент. 2024 г.
Оценка: 5 из 5 звезд.

Dammit, I already did this 3 fucking times. Last 1. I just have 1 question for the ATF (FUCK EM) AND THE CI Mr 21 minutes. If the kit had a p80 parts kit, the 21 minutes is out the damn window. Also I have 1 question. Did these kits come with ammo....??? If not kick this to the curb .If you need a decorated , disabled US Marine Combat Veteran who actually CAN DO 1 IN 21 MINUTES. I WILL GLADLY TAG ALONG TO THE HOUSE, THE SENATE, CONGRESS, HELL, WE COULD GO SCREAM AT THE ATF WASHINGTON DC OFFICE. I WILL EVEN TOSS ON MY DRESS BLUES. THANKS MGB. Sgt. Donald Owens/USMC


18 сент. 2024 г.
Оценка: 5 из 5 звезд.

"I'm from the government and I'm here to help you." In the old days (I'm old), that was just a humorous statement that could be used to describe any number of government screw ups. Today, however, it has become a chilling, scary threat in our citizens' daily lives. October will be a happy month and when the Supreme Court's Van Der Stock decision is published, there will be celebration "in the streets" and webpages of this great land!!


18 сент. 2024 г.
Оценка: 5 из 5 звезд.

Well-written! I have long railed against the time argument. The amount of time it takes to build a PMF is as irrelevant as is the time it takes me to potentially exercise my 1st Amendment Rights to reach out to potentially millions of people with the click of a mouse.

Our Rights are binary in nature. As was said in MGB's article, either you have a Right or you don't. There are no gray areas. Contrary to the refrain of the tyrants, our Rights ARE fucking ABSOLUTE. There are no restrictions on our Rights. Prior Restraint has been determined unconstitutional.

I don't care if their secret felon was able to "build" a gun in 21 minutes. I don't care i…

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